The Sealand Skull

Alien, Hoax, cryptid or something else?

Adam Hennessy
5 min readJan 18, 2022

Today we look at the Sealand Skull.

This odd looking skull has not had a great deal of mainstream attention, often overshadowed in conspiracy circles by the Star Child skull but its history and the tale that is connected to it are more intriguing and has the potential to open a pandoras box of artifacts and information.

Let’s dig in!

credited to @ scaredyet

When and where was it found?

It was found in July 2007 in Olstykke on the Danish island Sealand (hence the name).

We have some more information for context, about the location of the find. The skull was uncovered during maintenance of sewerage pipes. The property where the skull was located was a former horse butchery (I did not know this was a thing) so the finder initially thought it was a horse skull, but as you can see it is clearly not a horse. When found there was a wider excavation of the cite, which yielded no answers related to the skull.

Finally based on where it was located within the tangle of the old sewerage pipes, it has been estimated that it was buried, or placed there, some time post-1900.

How old is the skull?

We seem to be able to establish when it was placed in situ — 1900’s but based on some clever science we know it is a little older than that.

The Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen has conducted Carbon 14 dating on the skull.

Carbon 14 (radiocarbon) dating is used, generally, for organic material (like bones) and measures the decay of nitrogen of radiocarbon to determine the age of material. Accuracy depends upon the quality of the sample but can be as reliable as a few decades.[1]

The results of the process showed the skull to be from somewhere between 1200 and 1280 AD. Not ancient, but certainly not a modern copy.

What is it?

It is a skull.

I know this is an easy determinate, but it is a start.

In 2008 the Veterinarian High School in Copenhagen examined the skull and reported that while similar to a mammal, the skull has several features that,

“make it impossible to fit the animal into Linnaean taxonomy”[2]

For context the Linnaean taxonomy is the universally accepted system for classifying and naming organisms and includes eight taxa: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

So, this early examination, and let me stress we do not have any details as to what the examination involved, found the skull did not fall into any known species. Taken at face value, pardon the pun, this is a monumental statement.

credited to

The skull is about 150% larger than a make Homo sapiens skull, across the cranium. The eye-sockets are particularly large, which adds to this increase cranial width. It is relatively smooth compared to a human skull, similar to cold climate mammals. The nose bridge protrudes at the upper lip rather than receding and the teeth resemble those of a primate, without matching anything in the taxonomy. The chin narrows from the rear tapering , rather than squaring like we see in humans.

credited to @ scaredyet

Some theories

An unknown species — a heretofore undiscovered species of primate from the area, or from elsewhere and taken as a anthropological prize.

A cryptid — an unknown creature that is yet to be discovered and/or identified not related to anything on this planet.

A missing link or new evolutionary path — Human based, but an abhorrent offshoot of our evolutionary journey.

A fake — the skull while potentially of the carbon dated age is a manipulated skull of an existing creature. Possibly that of an Owl Monkey or Tarsier.

But there is no fun in this!

An alien — Here is the fun theory as it leads us down a very peculiar path.

There are a few variations to this theory.

It is the skull of a grey alien (see the reconstruction below).

credited to skepthophilia

It is the skull of an alien from a very specific place. 51 Pegasi b. This was the first exoplanet discovered around a sun-like star and made planet scientists not only re-evaluate their theories of life in the universe, but also delve deeper looking for other suck systems. 51 Pegasi b made us question what we knew of our universe[3] and launched the search for new worlds.

But why this planet?

Stories from Olstykke (where the skull was found) recall a villager who was formerly a member of l’Ordre Lux Pégasos (the Order of Pegasus’ Light). This order was rumoured to have been established in the early to mid-1300’s (possibly 1350) and to have included significant historical figures such as William Shakespeare, Réne Descartes, Thomas Jefferson, H.G. Wells and Aleksandr Solsjenitsyn.

They were created to protect the results of an alien interaction, invasion, crash (we do not know) with beings from the Pegasi area of the universe. The remains in need of protection included a skull and metal and ceramic artifacts that were unbreakable and described as extraordinary light devices. It is thought the local moved to the area with the skull and was tasked with its protection. The other artifacts in the story have not been found in the excavation, but if they too were given to members, it makes sense they were not present in this location.

credited to Hystoricmysteries

Look, it is likely some sort of fake reconstructed from a known species or several. This could account for the inability to identify it and also the carbon dating. However, I love the idea of a secret order protecting an alien interaction and the artifacts that were resultant across time and space!

Keep hunting for the truth!







Adam Hennessy
Adam Hennessy

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