We Deserve Better!

Adam Hennessy
4 min readMar 10, 2021


We deserve better.

We, as a society, deserve better than to be governed down to than be trodden on by self-interested parties, that rely on the self-interests of other to maintain and exercise power.

We deserve a better discourse in relation to these parties that does not pander to one side while denigrating another. Does not take the radical view of opposition to try and prove a moderate point.

We deserve better than to be treated like small children seen and not heard, taken from and not educated, put in a play pen of promises and pandering sentiment.

We deserve better from those we elect to govern, those we look to, to lead and those who moderate social commentary on behalf of what is draped in the veil of news.

We deserve to be able to look at our televisions, turn on our radios, scroll through our feeds and feel a sense of belonging. Not a disconnect that permeates and creates discontent.

This can truly be reflected in a government that we truly deserve.

That serves the needs of those citizens that can not serve the needs themselves.

An elected body that cares for those that the wider society forgets, that is judged on the measure of how they treat the weakest and most vulnerable of us. Not on the concessions they give to business, the polls they lead, nor the position they take which gives the individual casting a vote the most benefit.

For society to be just, to operate with a modicum of fairness, equity and honor we must look past our needs and to the needs of others, of the masses, of the majority. Of the disenfranchised, those who cannot speak for themselves, those who we forget.

If we can see past self-interest to the interest of others for one day every three years, it would be a start to electing representative, responsible government.

This does not mean we have to elect left. It does not exclude the right. It is about holding all spectrum's of political belief and government to a higher standard. A standard that demands that balance is at the fore, that the special interests of some does not permeate social, economic, domestic or foreign policy. And that the regular interests of all dominate the policy debate and direction.

For this to have any chance of success or even for the seed to be planted in a small crack in the current convent of hard paved sidewalk we need better day to day discourse.

When we have debate, we do not need the radical left -v- the radical right. Where name calling and yelling equals click-bait and a grab for ratings.

Where a point or two or a Q score determines the voice we hear, the face we see, the opinion we get, rather than talent, hard work and balance.

Any debate, any argument should be presented in such a way that gives credence to the subject, where conclusions are supported by a premise that has some grounding in reality and a connection to the consumer.

Where exchange can be rigorous and even heated, but where resolute arguments are in the form of logic, respect and relevance, where the loudest voice or the most radical statement is not necessarily the winner.

In fact, where, generally the most radical statement, left, right or otherwise is generally not heard, not given time, not even referenced as it is typically the least likely to reflect any real consumer ideal or belief.

The question, of course, is why do we deserve better?

We deserve better because the big problems of the future will not be solved by radical partisan shouting.

By the cult of celebrity.

By the loudest voice winning the debate.

They will be solved by conscientious, stable moderate discourse which focuses on the issue not on how the issue can be used to either gain more approval or cause the opposition to lose approval.

Where the issue is not used to get extra clicks, more views, more airtime or a win in the ratings.

Where logic, ethics, morality and honor lead the debate, where ALL people are considered and where the people win.

We deserve better because we have the power.

We cannot all run for government and even in today’s society of social media and readily accessible audiences. We do not all have a voice, even those who have access are trailing in views, clicks and the media machinery of the louder radical opposition.

However, we still have the power, and we deserve to see this power wielded in a responsible way that is inclusive and representative. That serves us — not those wielding it. That the power is a function of a greater societal need. Not of the needs, wants and whims of a party politic or individual. That it is used to serve us, not to subjugate or infantilize us.



Adam Hennessy
Adam Hennessy

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